

Step 1: Upload client file
Step 2: SPIN runs the model
Step 3: SPIN loads the file to the cloud
Step 4: View results and download

See SPIN In Action

Push your company sales to a notch higher with SPIN’s exclusive Up-Selling and Cross-Selling model.

SPIN’s Cross-Sell and Up-Sell model

The customer success managers at SPIN use:

SPIN’s B2B and B2C Cross-Selling model

To identify the customers most likely to buy a related product along with the primary purchase.

Ex. A customer who purchased a marketing tool subscription is quite likely to buy a CRM subscription too.

SPIN’s B2B and B2C Up-Selling model

To identify the customers most likely to purchase a product along with its extension, like an upgrade.

Ex. A customer who purchased a marketing tool subscription is quite likely to buy an additional integration with a different marketing tool.

Use Spin's Cross-sell and Up-sell model to:

  • Boost customer retention and perk up your revenues
  • Increase average order Life Time Value
  • Educate customers to buy higher quality/higher priced products
  • Promote brand loyalty and build a good rapport with prospective clients

Related Predictive Models

customer segmentation
Customer Segmentation
Right categorization of Customers with SPIN’s proactive Segmentation models is the road to boost customer reach.
Propensity to Buy Model
Propensity to Buy Model
Focus your sales and marketing resources on the best opportunities with SPIN’s Propensity to Buy model.
customer profiling
Customer Profiling
Leverage SPIN’s model to yield a precise description of targeted consumers and improve your customer acquisition strategy.
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